Old Mongolian Sculpt

While reading the National Geographic, I found a photo of a mongolian lama shepherd, and I thought he looked so cool that I decided to sculpt him. This is the first time I EVER use the sculpts tool. It took me 10 hours to make, since I started from scratch over 6 times XP.

Made with blender 2.53
http://i.littlepix.co.cc/467746.png high res image

And here is a turntable http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISPmEfRxW1M
(sorry for the horrible video quality)

PLS comment and critic (tips and tricks are highly welcomed).

P.S. I know I may be dreaming in color, but I would really like that one of my work go in the gallery, :o so pls rate 5 stars if you like it.

Funny Picture, I think The proportions are a bit of though.

I think that you should add a color balance node and make him a bit greyer