Old Tree Addon

The addon will, instead of you, create: roots, base, branches, leaves, moss, ivy.
Every new creation makes a tree with randomized parameters, so you actually never get the same tree.

User interface appearance:

User Interface - Old Tree Tools (Basic Parameters)

The user interface is simplified for the same purpose in making things faster. Basic parameters in making the tree are:

  • Deform Tree- Deforms branches and trunk of the tree. The higher the value is the more it will get deformed, and vice versa - as the value becomes too low the tree becomes more straight.
  • Size Tree - It simply scales the tree height.
  • Create root - Makes roots for the tree.
  • Create armature - Makes the armature for the tree for the purpose of using it in animations. It is a feature that is meant for the future versions of this add-on.

After this parameters are selected then the button “Create Tree” should be pressed and the basic tree will be created. The following things are done by this action:

Vertex Groups

  • TreeMoss - for the making of moss (particles).
  • TreeDisp - for the tree bark roughness (Displace modifier).
  • TreeLeaf - for the placement of branches and leaves (particles).

UV Maps

Creates UV map - Seam edge.

Vertex Colors

  • ColTreeMoss - for correction of tree bark color in shader.

The next step is selecting the more advanced parameters.

User Interface - Old Tree Advanced (Advanced Parameters)

After the tree is selected the advanced options are enabled. Advanced parameters are:

  • Create Moss - Makes a moss particle.
  • Moss Number - It is related to the Moss. Simply, as the value is higher the density of the moss is greater.
  • Ivy Size - The ivy length.
  • Ivy Density
  • Create Leaf - Makes the leaves on the tree (particle).
  • Leaf Number - The leaf density on the tree, same as moss.

An important thing to say is that all created materials, particles, etc are only basic and can be changed and improved if wished. For example, moss particle can be changed to snow particle.

Extra features

During the tree creation roots are forced to follow the terrain on which the tree is placed. This procedure require this steps:

  1. Create the terrain.
  2. Select the terrain.
  3. Position the blender cursor location.
  4. Create Tree.

Link: https://www.blendermarket.com/products/oldtree

This is an example of four consecutive tree creations with different basic parameters:

The addon makes the root follow the terrain. Example:


This is amazing! I have always wanted an addon that creates actually nice looking trees with roots and deformation. Other software like The Grove focus on branch growth, but the look of the banches and the wood are always bad.

Is there more info anywhere?

:arrow_down: link ???

It is still in testing phase. Soon.


This looks amazing!!

This is really an interesting add-on.

Very good addon, current making-tree addon (sapling) is not so good, other making-tree addons functions is very simple, they are very difficult to make a realistic tree in short time. Thank you again.

looks great

Looks great so far! What algorithm are you using to decide where to grow the branches? How does this compare with the Modular Tree add-on (besides better looking lower trunks and particle moss)?

The addon will soon be released.
The algorithm for the branches is a B-Tree derivate.
The root is also B-Tree, and roots can also do branching.
The whole system is building on the armature.

I don’t know how modular tree addon works, so I cannot compare it.

1 Like

a very good message, i am waiting for it a long time, thank you again.

Wow! that’s very good!

The Modular Tree add-on currently uses a semi-node based interface, but at its core, it uses a grow-then-prune method.
It essentially breaks the tree’s volume into voxels, and each branch adds ‘shade’ to nearby voxels. These are used as a simplified ‘light’ heuristic that helps determine if twigs in that area grow into branches.
Twigs are added to various points (following a pattern much like the Sapling add-on) across all branches every cycle.

Did a quick search on B-Trees… B-trees are a balancing tree data structure… Does that mean that somewhere in the generation process, you ‘re-balance’ the tree? That seems super physically implausible, and seems like some other more advanced growth parameters would be a pain using that (differed tree types, obstacle avoidance, etc.)
Is your method generalized enough to change the growth algorithm without rewriting the whole thing (assuming it can still output a hierarchy of branches)?

The algorithm works like this:

  • I pick 50 randomized numbers from 1 - 1000
  • I use B-tree algorithm by comparing if the number is bigger or smaller than the one before him (recursive)
  • If it is bigger go right, if it is smaller go left

It is simple.

The amount of randomized numbers I choose is increasing the tree size, growth size, root size.
When the direction is decided I calculate vector, radius, etc.
And I save all of that in the data structure.
I use that saved data structure for creating skins, etc.

Sounds like it works fast! I also wonder how hard it would be to take a growth simulation and have it output that kind of tree.
Does the branching distribution follow the Golden Angle?
(In the real world, when a branch splits twice, the angle between the two “child” branches is the golden angle)

This is excellent. The moss vertex could also double as snow for a nice looking winter tree.

Any chance to test your script ?

Will this addon be paid or free?

Hi everyone,
I had a problem with my graphic card. I have updated the original post, I’ve also added the link to Blender Market.

@lolwel21 branching distribution is close to Golden Angle. After all, this tree is 100 years old. :grinning:

@Regono I have done a correction on the particle so I can show you that snow can work too (this is not implemented in the addon). Default particles that the addon makes can be changeable like you can see below:

My priority was making the tree simulation, particles and shaders were secondary. All uploaded pictures are made in the addon without any outside changes. Except this last one above - I have only changed the particle.

This is an example for leaves:

I will upload .blender file for the leaves from the picture and the one with snow.

