Old Wizard

A personal project that modeled after the original character concept by @dylaneurlings for the Woodwar game. Dylan is an amazing artist, so be sure to check out his work. I’m using various software for this project such as Blender, Zbrush, Marvelous Designer, and Photoshop. I hope you like it!


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!


You’re on the featured row! :+1:


Thank you so much!

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Oh… not again :smiley:
Heh, same leg two time…

I would love to see this in different positions! Love the design, very aesthetically pleasing.


Thank you! Glad you like it

I’d also love to see the his in other positions

Same. Maybe looking up at us? He’s a really cool design and I want to see more :heart_eyes: gotta get those angles.

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Yeah or maybe like casting magic or at least in that pose?

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D’you think you could show him in other poses?

I admit it, it took me waaay to long to figure out the joke here, but it’s great! Love the style!

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Yes plz more moves / poses :pleading_face::pray:

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