Omega Particle Fx , a complete Fx library for Blender

Hello Everyone,

I wish to present my Realtime Fx Library amongst all of you
you can find the Product on Blendermarket:

Omega Particle FX comes with Particle Asset Libraries of : Fire, Embers ,Snow ,Petals ,Leaf ,Dust ,Debris ,Electricity ,Lightning, Laser. Bubbles ,Rain ,Magic and Sparks

:diamonds: All Assets are Fully Customizable and Easy to use(After watching the tutorial)
:diamonds: Most of these Assets work in both EEVEE and Cycles
:diamonds: Just Download the Blend files in your Assets folder and you are good to go

this looks cool !

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Bullet Impact Sim with geo nodes:
Bft 1
Bft 2
Bft 4

This will be a part of next Update of Omega particles

I highly look forward to any feedback or critiques for this :smiley:

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Are all of these setups actually simulated particle physics inside geometry nodes?

yes they are completely simulated in geometry nodes
here’s how the node setup looks like:

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