One color to several materials nodes


I have a problem with BI material node editor. I need a way to add soft light color overlay on these three materials at once, so when i change the color on the input it reflects on all materials at once.

In example i can do that but per material (see node setup for material named 1)

Unfortunately blender doesn’t have “instance node copy”, that way i could create only and instance other copy’s :frowning:

thanks in advance :slight_smile:

you could get an RGB from Inputs and plug that into all the blue colors to sync them. a value would work for the fac.

you could also drag and drop the color.

i guess im still not totally clear on what your after?

Thanks for reply :slight_smile:

Well the thing is I need one node to control all the materials, with color set up on soft light (for example) :slight_smile: So when I change the color on the soft light it reflects on all materials.

Best illustrates preview example material named 2. I have color input on material but it doesn’t affects the texture of the material, only color.

Here is a solution :slight_smile:

@Daedalus_MDW: thanks