One-hand keyboard bind suggestion for blender

Hi, I don’t like use the full keybored all time so I made theses changes
(also I didn’t like middle mouse bine so I replace it to “right / space” like MMD

T -> shift T

Shift+ 6 -> N

I -> T

Space -> delete default bind
Middle mouse -> space 
Middle mouse -> right click

Y (move to y axes) -> C
Right mouse -> shift + space

H -> f1 

Shift + H -> shift +f1

Ctrl + B -> 6

middle mouse ->  . (make the camera close)

any suggestion ,or anything against my bind ?

for meddle mouse

here is a blueprint for test you need to
1- import my key
2- run .ahk file

Interesting that you used AHK. Do you prefer to remap all Blender shortcuts instead? Or use AHK? As far as I have tried to think of ways to use Blender one-hand, is perhaps to pack more functionalities together in menus.

As for example if you dedicate one function on one key you have “sacrificed” that key for good. So the choice is that one key can show a menu that contains a few other of them.

Hi, sorry for being late.

I used AHK because It’s more faster to modified it so you can test your stuff faster before the you make the last version.

also AHK support more hotkey combination like that you can’t get it in belnder.

  • window+s
  • S+A
  • F1+1

I prefer Remap it on blender because you can use your keybored to name/rename your object ,also AHK don’t know if you are in 3D mode or Node mode.

this great advice, but I didnt code with python before, also idk if I have that time.

yeah thats great examble.

the issue i’m not that on 3D art so I don’t know witch keybord pressed too often and which is unpopular, so I think i’m not going to make it perfect.

this some example with AHK

Nice Addon. :slight_smile: