One Piece Fan Art

Finally. I’ve finished my own personal project. I feel so proud of myself because I can finish what I started. (most of my personal work becomes WIP forever).

I started with one base mesh. Then I adjusted it so I could create new characters faster. I use cycles for the render engine. Hope you like it guys.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you :grin:

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Very cool, love them!! be nice to see a Black ops team. keep it up. How long did it take you to make these?

i worked on it in my spare time. In total, it’s around 5 days for those 3 characters :smiley:

You’re on the featured row! :+1:

I would like to know if you drew them first before using them as a basis or using a reference, otherwise I like the style of the design

I love this! kinda remimd me of the nendoroid figurines, this could perfectly be a vinyl toy, great work!