One Piece Inspired || Wano, Fire Festival

Hi everyone, this is my latest enviornment which was inspired from some of the recent episodes in the show One Piece. Any advice would be awesome!


fairly nice composited and well done.
I’m not sure what look you are trying to achieve and I haven’t seen the show, but here’s what I think would add to the visuals and make it more pleasing.
first try layering, that is add more to the image(rocks, grass, debris, particles, etc)
try using higher poly count and add more to your models both in modelling and materials and give them more imperfection.
use a better night sky HDRI.
use volumetric clouds and if your computer can’t handle it then either add the clouds in post or just find a HDRI that has better clouds, right now it seems like as if you are achieving them with a noise texture and they are sort of flat and don’t have much pop to them.
and lastly try improving your lighting, the image is way to bright and the shadows are not visible like a video game with the lowest setting possible, using a better HDRI will improve it a lot but still you might need to add point lights to your torches to have them light up the scene as well and have them play their part.
I’m not sure if you are using EEVEE but if so I don’t have much information to give, try watching some videos on how to improve lighting in EEVEE.
also try using blender 4.0 Beta for rendering this time, the new Agx view transform has much more natural shadows and colours which gives the image an extra pop.

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So atmospheric work! Magical vibes :heart_eyes:

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Wow, this is some amazing advice! Thanks so much. Yeah, the sky is a great point, for some reason ive always tried to kinda create everything within blender myself and avoid pulling stuff from outside of blender like hdris, i guess i feel more creative when i know that i created everything. But i think to make my renders better i am going to have to get over this lol. Yeah i should definitely try to use the new cycles i didnt know much about it but those sound like great features.

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Thank you!!!

I think it’s the same for most people when you say this, including myself :sweat_smile:
however after a time projects get more and more ambitious and time consuming and it’s best to take shortcuts and use assets which both save time and help in making the final visuals more interesting.

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by the way the new image looks much better already. :+1:

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Haha thanks, I decided to add some point lights to the torches per your suggestion and mess around with the sky a little.

Looks nice. I’ve yet to watch the Wano arc since I’m speeding through so I’m not sure how its supposed to look but nice attempt!

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!