One Ring Runes

Hello Everybody, does anyone know if there is a free mesh of the runes shown below? That or how to make them easily. I need it as a mesh not a texture for my project. Thanks!

Hi Teo,

For that the best tool I’ve found so far that can convert a b&w image to a mesh is Leafig by ambi [$]. Not free but works. Other example here. Here’s a test I did with your image. A higher res image would work better though. After running Leafig I used Face > Tris to Quad but unsure if it’s needed. Sometimes cleanup might be required. I then added a solidify & bevel modifier with face smoothing on. Not perfect but pretty close so I’d recommend getting the Leafig tool. If this isn’t possible let me know. Unsure though if it works with Blender 3.0 but I does with 2.9x.


No need to spend money, Blender allows putting texts on curves just as below.

You just find the font, italicise it and put it on a curve using the Text options. Having done that convert the text to mesh or deletion of the curve will undo the action.

Thanks! would it be possible to give me a link or download to your blender file and i can just use that?

Hi Teo,

I highly recommend grabbing the Leafig addon as it’s great but in the meantime here is the blend file with the the mesh I generated. Hopefully it’s suitable. Also, if you have a higher res version of the image I can convert that to a mesh also. The mesh can be converted into a curve if you want to go that route or you can retopo, remesh, etc…

One Ring Runes.blend (1.5 MB)


Yes, thankyou sir!