"Only Origins" button hidden, harder to know when it's engaged

Here’s some interface feedback. I’ve used the beta for about a week to animate a short scene with some physics.

When I need to arrange a cloud or mass of objects in space, I can engage the “Only Origins” button, and use Move, Rotate and Scale to move the objects without actually rotating or scaling them. Brilliant!

BUT: the button is only available on a hidden pop-up menu, so it takes longer to find it and turn it on/off.

AND: while I’m animating, I can’t see whether the button is engaged.

Proposed solution: the Origins Only button should be visible at all times, and it should be available in DopeSheet, too (and other animation specific screens). It’s not helpful to make us switch back and forth from Dope to 3D just to find that hidden button and toggle it… and then repeat the same process just to confirm that it’s toggled or not.