Only show keyframes on the keyframed properties

One of the more difficult things for me to deal with as someone coming from programs like After Effects is how the Dope Sheet shows keyframes not only on the keyframed property, but also on the ‘folder’ at each level all the way up to the Object level. I’m sure this is helpful for some, but for me I get absolutely lost with what I’m looking at. It is no help at all for me to see a keyframe indicator on Summary, Cube, CubeAction, and Object Transforms when all I really need to see is an indicator on Z Location because I can already see the folder structure it’s in.

Again, I’m sure this is useful for some, but for simple animations like I do it would help me focus much better on the properties if I could turn off keyframe indicators on everything but the actual keyframed property. Can someone shed some light on this for me?

Does applying a Filter help? At least you will not see all properties in the folder.

Close the pop-up.
It looks complicated, but the key value is only applied to one Z Location.

※ The more pop-ups you open, the more control you have.
On the other hand, the more you close it, the simpler it becomes.