This morning, I decided to update to 2.62 from 2.5?. Ive been doing my model in 2.5 and brought it into 2.62 after the update, played around a bit, and saved. Upon returning, I tried to export the file to send to someone as a 3ds and got an error message that I dont understand. So, I decided to go back to 2.5 and all it will show there is the wire frame view. No matter if I hit “Z”, change to solid in properties, or change the view at the bottom header. Only wire frame. It will not render either, and that is the last thing I did before saving my file this morning. It looks fine in 2.62, but will not export.
Please tell me I hit something that I can hit again to bring this back.
Upon further inspection, it seems all of my faces have been deleted. Not sure what’s going on, but this stinks. Please tell me there’s hope beyond manually remaking each face.
yes, 2.6 looks fine. Here is a side by side of 2.5? and 2.62 with the same file, both open at the same time. 2.6 also shows a face count of over 3000. 2.5 shows 0.
This is a major problem because I have to export the file from an earlier version due to an export script I have to use that is only available for that version. With no faces it won’t export.
Append it into a 2.5 version or export as an obj and then import into 2.5
It looks like you are using a version of 2.6 after bmesh was incorporated (r44630). If that is the case you should not be surprised if things are not backward compatible. Use the official 2.62 download for compatibility, not some development build.
noticing Richard Marklew post, i checked your 2.62 version number in the error message of the screenshot, and it’s indeed one from after the BMesh merge. (every version superior to revision 44256 has Bmesh integrated)
It’s important to not do serious work in such version, Bmesh being work in progress, and due to ngon support do not save the models the same way of previously, making them incompatible with previous versions. Additionally most addons are broken (import/export scripts are addons) , there will need some time to make them working with Bmesh again.
There’s a “save old version” in the File menu, but it’s not yet working flawlessly.
So if you want to work in Blender 2.62 , use the last stable release from (that does not have Bmesh)
Which exact version of 2.5 are you trying to load that blend into ?
edit : i tried in 2.59 and had the same bug with face being deleted.
A solution i found :
-In Blender 2.62 (in which the blend load correctly) click on File -> Export and export your model as wavefront OBJ
-Load Blender 2.5x , delete default cube, click on File -> Import and select the OBJ you saved.
It worked for me, the model is loaded in 2.59 with face present while the blend couldn’t without losing the faces.
Just check for duplicated vertices after that.
I guess I found another problem. However I am using the latest stable built.
You have some modifiers activated in 2.6x. And there is a chance that the 2.6x- modifiers are not compatible with 2.5x-modifiers. Just apply all modifiers before saving the file. Then there should be no problem in exporting your plane in 2.6 to 3ds or opening in 2.5. And you still can continue modeling in 2.6.
And It would be a good idea to have a properties-window at hand for modeling purposes. And it would be helpful to rename the objects instead of using the preset names as well.
And if your really used n-gons in your model just apply the “Remesh”-modifier to each object as 2.4 and 2.5 can handle tris and quads solely.
The active modifiers in the 2.62 file were created in 2.57, where Im having the trouble. Ill try it and see what happens, but I doubt that is the problem. But then again, I’m the one asking questions here.
I actually have the same problem. Blender crashed, and upon restoring the file from the tmp folder, it only shows wireframe. I had to start over with an older save