Following a good idea from one of my youtube subscriber, I am currently realizing some new advanced gemstones effect. I really liked this opal material I did this afternoon. Hope you like it too.
I will be creating a more developped jewel using this setting as soon as possible,
Nice, interesting. I am using CYCLES in 2.8 beta.
I am using similar nodes, basically color ramps and voronoi. The problem is, there are many types of opal (black opals, mexican opals, australian opals, milky opals, fire opals etc… some totally clean and many with dirt and very special inclusions), but many are in part see through, which means surface only effects come out as plastic or give disappointing results.
So from the beginning, I decided that there must be geometry involved, like in real life, many minerals are solidified gases and liquids, so the shapes inside the mineral can’t be obtained with material effects only. It’s even harder if the jewel must be animated.
I am doing this for a specific tutorial, in spanish (i will post nodes then).
try it in EEVEE way faster for render LOL
but a bit more difficult to set up cause need for lightprobes but afterward
render is super faster then cycles
doing volume glass 3D effect in cycles is not really very easy to do
easier I think to use other renderer like Yafaray or Lux
but can’t wait to see what you come up with