Open source anatomy on blender

Hi Blendermaniacs,

The first Open Source Atlas of Human Anatomy is online:

This LinkedIn page can be followed to be kept informed:
The file will be regularly updated until february 2022.

Please let me know what you think of it,



I’d love to try it, but the downloadlink doesn’t work (says forbidden)
or maybe there are to many downloads right now?

Somebody told me the same before and I thought I had fixed it.
I tried it right now and both links work…

You are on a desktop computer, right?

I’ll try and learn more about the reasons that can cause this issue;
you could try a bit later and answer to this message if it still does not work within two or three days.

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fine, I can wait. This looks super useful though. so thanks in advance :slight_smile:

all right, now it works! I just played around with it for a minute and it seems fantastic. Will continue testing but for now just a big thank you.

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Finally someone did it, very impressive can’t imagine the amount of energy invested.

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I also feel that someone would have done it soon or later; and that I am very lucky to have had the good conditions to do it.

Wow this is really cool! A great recourse.

The file keeps evolving.

I have a problem since yesterday:
Blender keeps crashing on opening. I tried several versions and it does not help.
Searching to fix it, I found that the portable version that is the only one that I can now run on my PC takes about 11Gb of memory, which is way too much…

Edit: removing the startup file and userprefs solved the crashing issue.

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I downloaded the latest version and it all worked fine. (2.93.1 linux). No crash.
The file is heavy, blender is using 12 gigas with it opened. That is a lot compared to other files.
The full muscular view is the least responsive (navigates slowly).
I added up the vert counts of the different views and you are over 5 million which is high for blenders current performance, work is being done to improve this hopefully soon we will see and improvement.
Maybe you could break the file up into different files for each view/scene.
Also maybe somebody with more technical knowledge than me can give you ideas for how to decrease the load.
Any way it is looking great! :slight_smile:

I have done an experiment and I reset blenders default settings, the file still used 12 gigas.
So I then made 10 new scenes and moved each of your collections into there own scene (one scene per collection.)
Now each scene uses much less memory. The scene with the muscular view only uses 5,6 gigas, under half the memory.
I also found that there is a collection called bonus that seem to be a duplicate of all the other collections. When I selected that scene the memory use jumped back to 13 gigas!
So I deleted that scene and saved another copy.
I did not load back your sh0rtcuts as I can now flip through the different scenes with the outliner.
The file size is still roughly the same as it was 255.7 Megas but it is now much more responsive and uses under half the ram than before.
I think you should use different scenes for each collection.
Hope this helps as yours is a great project!

After further inspection.

I think another thing you could do to make it faster is optimize the geometry of your meshes, some of the topology seems very dense to portray the forms you have.

Edit:3 (lol)
After even more study of the study of the file I think that you already have used the decimate modifier to reduce poly count, hence all the triangles. Maybe you could simply go a bit further with it.
I decimated the muscle collection by 0.5 and the visual difference was not much with roughly half the poly count.

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That is a great answer, thank you for that!

-Decreasing the density of the muscles is clearly on the to-do list, I just hesitate either to use a decimate or to retopo them.

-I had planned to create a bunch of view layers as it is proposed in ‘Visible Body’.
If it does not have the same effect, I will prefere to create scenes instead of view layers.

I guess that if I keep a full scene, but that we navigate on the partial scenes, it should alleviate the memory needed while navigating on the partial scenes.

-The bonus collections are always hidden; they allow me to let the structures to appear in the outliner exactly like the TA2 ( but to be able to reach other collections (right upper limb, etc) and to reach any level of the hierarchy in one RMB (customized shortcut).
Selecting the whole bonus collection means to select the whole file; but if the fact of adding collections -without adding vertices- overloads the memory, then I should consider reducing their number.

The decimation of the muscles helps a lot and keeps the details
(I’ll just verify every muscle; there are only the particularly thin endings that can be altered),
the filed went from 261Mb to 197Mb.

Unfortunately, if I separate the different layers into scenes but that I keep a main scene containing everything, then it increases even more the memory ressources to 24Mb sothat I’ll probably keep it the way it is for now.

Thank you very much for the tests and advices!

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You are welcome.
Having looked through your file I must say that the amount of work you have put into it is inspiring, unfortunately I think you are reaching the limit of what blender can handle at the moment.

I look forward to updates and wish you the best.

I have done a few more experiments with the scene version and have found that in certain situations it uses less memory but in others the scenes pile up ram use.

When I save the file with a certain scene loaded and open Blender with that file it only allocates ram to that scene.

The problem is that the more scenes I view the ram use adds up, as if Blender keeps some of the scene data of the previously viewed scenes in ram like a cache memory. This does not happen with all the combinations I view.

So maybe the idea of using scenes is not that good, unless there is a way to force Blender to liberate the ram when you change scenes, I do not code and have limited technical knowledge so I can not really help with that.

The definite killer is the bonus scene, that as you say will call all the data, viewed on its own I can use it, but if I view other scenes first (or after) the memory use rockets and will freeze blender.
It is however a great scene to play with as you can peal off layers in a certain part of the body as if you are performing an operation!

Here is a list of the memory use when I open the file with each a specific scene without viewing other scenes. I have no idea if it is of any use but just in case.

1 Skeletal system 2,9 gigas

2 Muscular insertions 9,6 gigas

3 Arthrology 1,2 gigas

4 Muscular system 1,4 gigas (not 5,6 as I said in the other post I must have loaded other scenes before checking the ram)

5 Cardiovascular system 1,4 gigas

6 Nervous system Sense organs 1,4 gigas

7 Visceral Systems 2,1 gigas

8 Regions of human body 1,1 gigas

9 General 1,2 gigas

10 Bonus collection 13,4 gigas not working. where I can download this anatomy 3d modal.

Hi, i found the template file in here
Unfortunately the domain is currently not working, I hope it is back online