Hello fellow 3d artists and coders \ \
I am here to inform you of an ongoing project that has been in development for a pretty while now but dates back to its concept days which were about three years ago.The project name is OpenFrag (www.openfrag.org), under this name fall two projects that are being developed side by side under the OpenFrag Framework. Everything on the OpenFrag project is developed as opensource and can be located at www.sourceforge.net. The project is also listed at http://ohloh.net/projects/3718. More info about the game engine which is developed by OpenFrag can be found here: http://wiki.openfrag.org/doku.php?id=ofcoreroadmap. \ \
We have several people working on this project including coders, sound artists and 3d artists (which we most lack in). In total there are about 10 active developers on this project and another 20 inactive. \ \
Broken alliance (the game) is developed side by side with the OpenCDS as the first game that would probobly be used by the framework itself,Broken Alience is developed under Yake… The game is a medieval fps game which starts off on a huge island. There are plans for the game to go multiplayer as well using the openCDS system. We curently have some screenshots of the game and concept artwork. The design history can be found at http://wiki.openfrag.org/doku.php?id=game_ba and the repository can be found here: http://wiki.openfrag.org/doku.php?id=ba_repositry2d. \ \
OpenCDS is inspired by Valves Steam. At first it will only keep software updated, but as it advances more features will become available. Eventually it will support server browsing and perhaps even a friends network. OpenCDS was coded from scratch by our hard working coders that make all this happen. There is a page about OCDS which will explain more: http://wiki.openfrag.org/doku.php?id=opencdsroadmap. \
Screenshot of OCDS: http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/9557/shitforwilbertsc4.jpg