Opinions welcome!

Hello fellow Blender Artists.
This is been my first ‘‘semi’’ finished work in BLENDER+CYCLES. There is allways room for improvement, so i am open to all (to a certain degree) suggestions. Hope you like it. :slight_smile:

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The lighting creating a very nice appealing to the picture.
But it looks very empty. Like it is not finished. try to add more stuff.

The background show to much compression artefact and the perspective seams a little off compare to the 3d part.

You realised apple dream by forgeting to add a cable to the computer.

The office is unpersonal, add some pictures/ poster/ personal item/ anything that a real person will add in his office.

There is to much bump in the floor wood material.

There is two nod on the botom of the image that give up the repetiveness of the wood patern easyly. Maybe get the camera a little closer to remove them.

Edit: Omg I mistaked it for a focused critik tread. If had not, I will probably had posted:

Pretty cool, especialy for a first submited image.

Very nice! The only thing I feel is the background image should be a bit brighter IMHO. I really like it though. :slight_smile:

nice and beautiful:
-sun light needs to bloom from the window.
-as previously said out scene should be brighter.

Thank you very much for the feedback. I promiss to adress the issues found and repost later on.

I actually quite like the idea of your work but in my opinion the room looks a bit like it was a picture from a furniture shop catalogue. In order to make it more realistic you could try to make it look a bit more used. I think about adding more details like a plug socket, pens, sheets or a cup of coffe on the table for example. Anything to make the room more personal as said previously. Also the chair looks a bit too “clean” in my opinion. You could add some creases on the seat cushion to make it look like somebody is sitting there from time to time. Maybe you could even add some scratches to the ground where the chair legs touch it.
The bookshelfs look really good. It’s nice how you arranged the books irregulary and that the books all look differently :slight_smile:
In general the image creates a nice atmosphere.
Keep it up!

The element of time and use as you said is really in my ‘‘to do list’’. Unfortunately i still am learning the basics but dont worry that i will get there. Again. Thank you all for the important feedback.