Oppenheimer caricature

In recent months I have practiced a lot in making caricatures in 3D. Blender and Character Creator were my main tools in doing so.

Recently ‘Oppenheimer’ was released in the cinema. Oppenheimer’s movie poster really appealed to me and inspired me to make a caricature of it.

Some time before I had already caricatured the main actor Cillian Murphy, in his role of ‘Tommy Shelby’ in the British crime drama television series ‘Peaky Blinders’. I had made the base of his head through hundreds of sliders in Character Creator. But the final refinements, as well as his hair and clothes and everything else, I had done in Blender.

Now, with my Oppenheimer, I could use that same head again. And I did the rest again in Blender. The modeling, sculpting and texturing of the clothes, the composition, the lighting, the particles in the air, the rendering…
I did the final montage of the actor with the flames and the many layers of particles in paint.net.

There are 2 versions. One close by, with more attention to the actor, the other from a bit further, with the mushroom of the atomic tree more clearly in view.

The same week, ‘Barbie’ was also released in cinemas. I made the crazy leap of thought: “What if Oppenheimer had walked into the wrong movie studio and accidentally ended up in that other movie?” What would he have looked like there? This resulted in 2 more versions.

Afterwards I noticed that I was not the only one who had made that crazy leap of thought. Several memes popped up here and there around the same idea. Apparently the old saying is true: “There is nothing new under the sun”. It’s very hard to be original…


Barbienheimer references! Dope!

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Waw, nice! Thank you Bart! :smiley: :+1:

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