Optimizing UVs for High-Quality AR Sofa Model

Hello everyone, I’m working on creating a sofa that should be viewable in AR via smartphone.

I’m following a workflow from high-poly to low-poly workflow and i make two texture sets one for the seam and the other for the entire sofa.



The issue I’m encountering is that I’m forced
within the 0-1 UV space, which significantly reduces resolution because I need to tile the fabric to make it look realistic.

Seam uvs
Screenshot 2024-09-07 182824
Sofa uv

So my question is: how can I optimize these UVs to achieve a higher texel density?

I’m also sharing the FBX model in case anyone wants to lend a hand.
SM_Flamencoo_low.fbx (441.6 KB)

IF you really want the seams a different UV then this might be squizzed to a quarter (red):


If you really need this 45 degree then maube not quite…

This also may be placed into the other UV…

You may have not understoodthe UV space… if 1K is not enougth use 2K… if 2K is not…

Also some UV may simply overlap… since you do not have a certain recogizable pattern…

so lots of free space usabel for resizing…

@Okidoki Firstly thanks for your reply.

I haven’t choose to overlap since i have different detail like in the backrest. then it wont’t gave me problem when I bake?

Then I want to use 2k since the model should be watched up close so I want the most of detail without spending to much on texture size

You can make a small area of texture specifically for seams and overlap them there. As an example you have some space on the top of the texture which you can occupy for tiled seams texture.
Obviously seams should be straightened up for this.

i won’t loose space when baking? since i have to consider the space of the seams also

I dont think you really need a bake for those seams. You bake the sofa since you need a normal map for cloth wrinkles, and texture for seams are just generic texture layered on top of the bakes.

So your whole texture set would be a combination of unique texture + 1 picece of “trim sheet” tiled on X axis.

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Not sure what UV part corresponds to what geometry section in your screenshots, but you can reuse repeating parts as shared UV patches which will provide more space utilization.

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Then don’t overlap this part… and why bake ?? This is your texture.

You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer.

so let me see if i understood

I have to bake all the object but not the cushions where i have the seams? so, then i can overlap the uvs and get more space?

then later on painter i will add the seam with a brush?