Optix Denoiser Stops Working in Viewport?

So this is a thing that’s happening now - Optix failing to start up or something every handful of times one switches into viewport render view.
Sometimes it’ll come back a few switches later, and sometimes not.
This happens regardless of which file I’m in, or just default cube start up file.

Having tried multiple driver versions for my 3090, I can safely say that hopping back and forth between them doesn’t help. At least to in my experience.
Nor does it seem to make a difference what recent blender version I’m on.
(I tend to swing from 3.4.0 up to 4, but mostly I’m on the 3.6.5 LTS version.

I also have this phenomenon recently.
It doesn’t seem to be the same problem for everyone. :thinking:

It can be used back and forth between CUDA and Optx in the setup, but it is not a fundamental solution.

Use the latest update to the version of your blender
Reinstall the graphics driver with the latest driver as well

※ The system I’m using seems to have solved this problem. (I think the graphics driver is the problem.)