OptiX support for Cycles and RTX cards is now avaible!

Not related lol, they would have to have Turbo compressors, similar gear box, and you know, things “race cars” have.

And I can tell you don’t use those softwares, because brute force is what most of the users use for arch viz and VFX. You might want to take a trip to the official FB groups and forums.


I agree with bsavery, they are hybrid renderers, not path tracers. As far as I can tell they only use path tracing for GI (diffuse reflections), not for the rest of the rendering algorithm.

…port cuda? You can do that? isn’t it based on physical cuda cores in the card or something?

You can translate it to C++ that then compiles using a library that can target either CUDA or AMD, so you get a single source that can build with either CUDA or hcc (for AMD):

Quite clever actually.

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6 posts were split to a new topic: Off topic discussion about… Redshift? Cba reading into it, sorry im really tired right now

For redshift this is only for non-primary rays, the default is in fact brute force. You can choose between brute force GI(still biased), photons and irradiance caching. Brute force is so fast now no one even uses photons anymore due to the blotching and boiling. All primary rays are still traced like any other path tracer.

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I’ve split the off topic discussion. Sorry if i miss-fired a little, im tired, just about to head to sleep.

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So, even if I use just patch tracing mode/brute force without secondary rays interpolation, is that still hybrid renderers? also, based in experts I know, all pathtracing integrators have bias introduced somehow, trick to speed up things. Funny logic of yours

FinalBarrage split this off and we should continue here:

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Thanks for the test. Would it be possible to share the cycles scenario. I would like to add some Lightmapper comparisson
Unreal Lightmass and Unity PLM vs Cyles bake.
I don t have the experience to set up VRAY and Corona.
So it would be speed up it a little.

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Hmmm what would this mean.
Smells like a blender demo of rtx support for the nvidia siggraph boot


NDA they can’t say a word :speak_no_evil:

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I hope eevee will get some too

I am not sure what you mean by that. Do you mean RTX support for Eevee or something else?

Well if nvidia is planning a publicity stunt that require multiples NDA’s it better be good… months and months of secrets just for RT cores enabled for cycles ? It seems just too much secrets just for that isn’t it ?

I think they know how popular 2.8 is going to be, how can they ignore the brand new eevee engine if their technology was mainly marketed as a real time engine enhancer ?

it’s just speculation nothing else. we need to wait two week to know i guess. :zipper_mouth_face: either it’s going to be at the blender boot, at the nvidia boot, or at the nvidia show.

maybe we can expect a video like this.

it seems likely

If they revealed RTX based baking engine that replaced the current one and actually did a good job, fast, I’d be ecstatic.

Okay after a response from brecht, eevee + rtx is not for right now, they need to port eevee to vulkan first.

and for the nvidia RTX denoiser well there’s a liscencing problem ( but grant wilk find a solution to resolve this so it’s not really a problem, blender devs could introduce DENOISE as an addon if they want to ? )

So we can expect RT core support, nothing more.

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There will be other real-time raytracing solutions shown in Blender at SIGGRAPH.

And one that won’t lock you into one vendor’s hardware :wink: