
Decided to make this last minute for a family member’s birthday (that’s tomorrow:o,) any advice before I give it to them. I know its not the best project in the world but not bad for the amount of time. I was sort of shooting for a cartoonish looking orange with freestyle and all that good stuff. And yes I know its VERY far from perfect. But any help is appreciated.

The gradient effect works well with the peal, but not so much with the individual slices. For them I would replace it with a specular effect.

It’s looking cute for me,but why an orange for birthday?

because they like oranges. And it was something I could make in time.

Hey, I think that looks great! :slight_smile:

thanks sundialsvc4

This is the final project that I sent to them, but I dont think that its really that worthy of the finished projects folder so I probably wont post it unless someone says otherwise.
Thanks for your help.