Oranges - using procedural textures only

I have used only procedural textures in this case.

No image textures have been used.

Rendering has been done in LuxRender


looks good to me!! any chance of showing the noodles?

Chances of showing the noodles mean?

Tahseen, the noodles man, you dont know the noodles?

He means the node setup for the material/texture/shader layout.

The orange textures looks great, the mini bumps come across well and the overall denty ness of the orange is captured good as well.

Here you go. The Blend file. Please note that this is LuxRender Release 1.2 and Blender 2.66a

So you must have that.

LuxRender doesn’t show material as node

What I have done is this

I created Texture of Gray Shades and I used Two colors to use that for mixing. And finally used it in diffuse in Material
I created Bump map using procedural texture and used it is Bump Map Texture in Material

See if you are stuck and need more information.


Oranges-LuxRender.blend (922 KB)

Argh my fault - I hope you noticed I was just kidding. But this explains the noodle fight.

The bump texture is just nice working so well.

lol sorry if I confused you, a pic (screenshot) of your node setup woulda done
I did some oranges a while ago and yours looked so much better :wink: wanted to know your secret
alas I use cycles more then lux but might pick up a tip or two

so much to learn so little time
TC an eat that fruit!!