Is it possible to do this? I’m coming from Max where you can orbit around the ‘point of interest’ - wherever on the model/mesh your mouse cursor is. I’m so used to this behaviour in Max that not having it in Blender is a nightmare. I realise you can orbit around selected, but this isn’t what I’m talking about.
Sorry, I meant Alt+Middle-Mouse-Click. But if you are using a custom keymap with Alt+Clicks mapped differently, then of course it won’t work.
Add a new hotkey in the keymap, under 3D view. The operator is called “Center View to Mouse” (command: “view3d.view_center_pick”), use maybe a different modifier key + middle-mouse-click.
This is it. Thanks. Auto-Depth is the key. The reason it wasn’t working for me before was because I had an object selected so it was orbiting around selected. If I deselect everything it works as I’d hoped. This is great!