Gravity Intensity: Mousewheel Up/Down or Arrow-Keys Up/Down
Show/Hide SpaceTime-Grid: Space-Key
Hover with mouse over:
Change mass: Mousewheel Up/Down or Arrow-Keys Up/Down
Change size: Mousewheel Up/Down or Arrow-Keys Up/Down - with CTRL-Key pressed
Apply Force: Left MouseButton and drag (red Line)
Make child orbit around parent: Right MouseButton on child drag green Line to parent, then release
pin: Left DoubleClick
Add/Remove Planets:
CTRL-LeftClick on Planet or empty Space
PS: There is an additional Scene_SunEarthMoon with initial velocities set
With right mouse button you can now make a planet rotate around another (green line)
And there is another demo scene with initially set velocities (SunEarthMoon)
SpaceTime-grid now supports 10 planets but default is 5 for performance reason on my machine.
Can be set in game.py:
number_of_geo_inputs = 5 # max 10 , the background shader node-pairs will be unmuted by code