As I’m done with my creature, I decide to start a new character.
I’m goal is just to make it better… I think character production is what I like the most.
It will be weaponised, armored, I tend to make it with the highest level of detail I can and will try a realistic render style.
As blender 2.72 really help with corrective/deformation shapekey, I think I will really push muscle deformation and add dynamic wrinkles deformations on its face.
For the time being, here is the result after few hours of dyntopo.
It’s done on purpose.
from most of the concepts and references I’ve sutdied, Orcks have long arms and shorter legs…
It’s very weird when sculpting because you allways think something is wrong.
But for the time being, I like my dyntopo… so I will continue this way
Thanks, from what I’seen from you’re work you’re not that far.
I encourage you to work with as much anatomic references as you can and also, do not hesitate to slightly increase volume shapes.
What I mean is that I allways try to make my sculpt volume pretty contrasted as the more you get further the more it gets polished.
And it’s easier to smooth things down in an advanced status than increasing them.
I’ve 2 evening of free time so I will try to get as further as possible.
All detail sculpt are done with Dyntopo level.
Next levels will be with multiresolution and bump texture
Still needs a lot of accessories like wrist plates, a pant and 2 one handed heavy axes before I start working on body retopology and sculpt accessories details.
I like accessories blocking for the time being, let me know what you think.
clipping on the right leg is due to the underlining boot t as is symetrise, need to make some tweaking once mirror applied.
These big shoulder pads are en vogue in character design, nowadays, but I always feel they must be very unhandy. I like the asymmetry of his accessories, but will he use a shield with his left arm if everything, which is protective, is mounted on his right side? Just thinking loud and maybe this thoughts are just too much real life focused
I’ve allways been a big BLIZZARD fan till the very first warcraft.
When I was like 12 or something, I was reproducing (trying at least) the game illustration with coal pen…
I’ve quited playing game few years ago as it is too time consuming and didn’t dive into the latest stuff like WOW or starcraft2…
But I oftenly go to blizzard website to see what’s new… So yes, my character may have pretty big equipement and strange proportions but I’m just trying to catch up this kind of style…
Only thing is that I don’t want it to be too tough but wanna keep some agility as I want him to do aerial stuff in its further animation
BTW Minoribus, thanks for your kind words and wize advises… I’m kinda watching sometime what you’re doing, totatly crazy and so masterised
Here is part of the rytopo… my back is kinda painfull so I will stop and continue later…
Wow thats a cool model good luck with the rest ,
thankyou for the blender to zbrush with subdivisions ,iv been trying
this for a long time my way was to export with no sub d i had to resculpt and that was shit
iv just tested your way and works a treat ,thank you again .
I’ve figured the problem of banding on exported maps from Zbrush.
When creating secondary or primary UVs in Blender you MUST make sure that all the vertex are on the UV canvas.
When making specific UVs (currently face and arms for secondary muscle normal) I usualy get rid of other part just puting them outside the UVs canvas but when imported in Zbrush, its map generator doesn’t like it at all.
So keep a small space in a corner, reduce unused UVs coordinate to a minimum and keep them there.
you won’t meet the bending anymore.
Sculpting the first weapon is nearly done.
I’m pretty happy with the result. I wanted something that was roughtly forged to fit my character background.
I’m done with sculpting.
Here are some Glsl viewport shots.
I try to limit the use of subsurf and displacement modifier as the memory used is already gone crazy.
I will now proceed with texture painting…it will be looooonnnnng