I still can’t believe that Goofster can actually model stuff that looks this cool… :o :o :o
Good work man, I don’t really like the snow-lamps though…
Hey Goofster, I already told you that looked pretty cool on BlenderChat. However, I do notice that there is no axle on the front wheel. The body/frame integrates with the front wheel. Does the wheel actually rotate around the frame? If so, how does it stay inposition without faling off? (Sorry, I’m a mechanical engineer and I need to know these things ).
BgDM: you’re absolutely right. the wheel rotates around the frame. if you look closely you can see two “hotshoes” (or something like that) they are powerfull magnets that push the wheel away from the frame as well as rotate it. I’m not sure if this will be the final method though. i’m open to suggestions
In respond for Bgdm, this system was imagined by Sbarro, I think, and in fact, if I can trust my memories, its a bearball system (but I’m not a technical designer) 8)