Organic growth portrait

Hey everyone,
Here’s a project I’ve working on for the last couple of weeks.

Initially I was trying to recreate a slime mold growth pattern with simulation nodes yet for it seemed impossible with tools available in geo nodes for now, so I started experimenting with shortest past nodes and the results were close enough for what I was after.

Then I experimented with controlling the radius of the curves by an image.

I inverted the weights from the image in order to make the shadows thick and the highlights thin, inspired by this bas-relief work of Roland Baladi, where the shape is created by the shadows of the extruded parts. The reference is a portrait of Lebanese president Fouad Chehab, installed in Jounieh, Lebanon where the portrait is visible during certain hours of the day depending on the position of the sun.

Finally, here’s the original image on which my setup is based (generated in Stable Diffusion)


Very creative use of nodes here. Good job!


Thank you!

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks Bart! Have a great one you too!

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