Origin to selected shortcut

Hi. I am working in a model with a lot of parts. I need to apply quickly the origin to selected. I remember there was a menu pie that included the origin to selected.
Currently I have this one

Do you remember or what menu pie do you recommend to really improve the workflow…Doing 3d cursor to selected and origin to 3d cursos…its a bit tedious now.

Thank you

I guess you mean holding shift+s?

Shift S brings the menu pie I am showing. I am looking for something that let me to set the origin once I selected a face,edge or vertex.

Kekit, interactive tools for blender or Pivot Transform (where pivot transform is dedicated tool for those things)

I like kekit, but I am looking for menu pie based…I am sure there was one, but I can not remember the name! Thank you so much! I will keep researching

Originie is pie menu based if I remember correctly.

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Thank you ! I will take a look :slight_smile: