Original "T-pose" model is still in STL how do I get rid of it?

What the title says, I want to print my dragon but the original fixed model is still there, how do I get rid of it?

what does it look like in blender before the export? is anything hidden?

Did you use alt+C (convert to mesh) to collapse and apply all the modifiers on the mesh before kicking it out?

I’m very new to blender, can you elaborate on what you said? Lol sorry, thanks for help

save a copy of the file before you do this.

But yeah, literally select the skinned mesh, hit alt+c, click convert to mesh, and export it.

Can you post a full window screenshot of blender with the dragon open? I wanna see if you have anything on other layers or any hidden objects.

I don’t get the option to convert to mesh, In edit mode the model is in the unwanted fixed position

I see something there in layer 6. What’s in there? Hit 6 on your number strip to go to it.

Also, are you sure you’re hitting alt c and not ctrl c?

Also also, don’t worry about the pose in edit mode. The model way the model is displayed in edit mode is supposed to be unaffected by poses.

ahh, I see, so I just delete this now right?

It worked! thanks so much Xalener, I been stuck on this for quite the time now :smile:

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