Ork Trukk (Cycles)

After giving up on cycles with my last project I figured I’d give her another try.

Here we have the W40K Ork Trukk, red paint included :wink: I have half an ork floating around between sculptris and blender that I might try to finish sometime, but for now the trukk will be ork free.

The trukk took somewhere between 10-16 hours to finish, worked on over 2-3 weeks. The red parts are mostly uv-textured, with the other parts having textures splatted over them. Sadly, Cycles does not yet support different texture mapping modes (IE. cube, spherical) so the texture got stretched in some parts. When cycles gets support for those I’ll re-render and it will be texture stretching free :slight_smile:

In all I like cycles, but it has yet again proven not production ready… yet. Can’t wait till it’s finished!

Very nice. I think you should have put a sky background though.

DoF makes it look like a miniature.
Textures could def need more work: scratches are too deep, metal doesn’t look like metal, bump is too high and overall textures look a bit unfinished.

Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh but your model has potential and textures don’t do it justice.

JoolsMcFly - when I first saw your comment I couldn’t help but come up with a snoddy reply about how this isn’t the focused critique forum, but then I realized how right you were. So I fixed the points you made. I really enjoy receiving critiques, even on projects I believe are finished, but in the future you could be abit less of a butt :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll just have to stick with camera mapping for the still shots until at least cube mapping is implemented, but for a still shot it worked really well. I upped the mirror amount on all materials halved the bump maps for everything, hooked the terrain material bump map to about 12 overlays to blow it out as far as possible and this is what I have. Comments/critiques welcome :wink:

Hamstaq - sorry no cloud bg… I was going to but I ran out of mb’s on CG Textures so I figured I’d just wait to try and get a good sky tomorrow.

Cycles does add a lot to this, and it blurs the line between realistic and cartoon really well in this project. Almost too well though, because the toon scratches (especially on the hull) seem like they were texture painted in blender texture paint. :stuck_out_tongue:
some photoshop grunge brushes could have added bunches to the scratches.

this would look really good animated in a future project!

DavidReinhold: Thank you ^.^ The scratches were done in Gimp actually, though I agree they should be better (Gimp doesn’t support brush rotation making realistic micro details a pain) add to that how terrible I am at textures… I actually spent well over 3 hours getting them to this level.

I would love to animate it, but as of right now about half of the materials are using camera vectors which don’t animate. Hopefully by time I finish the ork driver and gunner cycles will have updated and I can fix all of that :slight_smile:

Well what do you know, Gimp’s updated recently and added a (rudimentary) brush rotation system! Played with the textures for awhile and here’s what happened.

I recognized W40K just from the thumbnail! Nice work!

It could always be a W40K miniature! =D

First of all, I like the concept design. A nice toy like model.
Textures look better now, you can do a lot playing with materials. Particularly on metals.
Ground material needs some love. Sculpting, painting, material.

Sky and lighting.
But modeling is awesome.

Nice work, congrats man!

Nice model QS Dragon, well done!

If I may add a suggestion, as you are open to critics, I would

  1. lower the roughness of metal a lot, both painted and scratched parts.
  2. make the scratches more irregular, it’s unnatural that they are evenly distributed all over the surface, also where it’s more protected. (and that also for tyres)


OK my post was a bit harsh, I admit, but I wanted to give constructive criticism. Unless I am mistaken (still a new kid around the block here) posting in BA’s finished section does not mean your work is not open to critics.

That being said, I still think textures are off! :slight_smile: Increase specular/glossiness on your tyre texture and also on metallic parts.

Some refs (note how subtle/soft bump is where scratches are):

And another ref showing gloss on tyres and some dirt too:

JoolsMcFly - it’s quite common for critiques to flow in here at finished Projects, but most people do the “sandwich” (1 good thing, 1 bad thing, 1 good thing) here. Listing changes without remorse is usually reserved for the focused critique since that is the purpose of that forum. (you should actually frequent it more often… there are very few people who get on and actually critique, and my stuff usually hits there first) I appreciated your thoughts regardless though, and made strives in that direction and believe it has improved the model alot. Many newer forum members would probably have gotten scared off from a remark like that though, just to keep in mind.

To everyone else - Thanks for the remarks and other critiques. It’s abundantly clear my horrible texture skills will never go unnoticed, on the same note I’m putting any further changes on hold until after cycles updates. I’m spending some time familiarizing myself with the newer versions of gimp while working on another (unrelated) project. Since I plan on finishing my ork I will definitely come back to this when I get free time again :slight_smile:

Lastly, cycles gpu rendering finally works on my system! instead of wasting 7 minutes of my life rendering this over and over, it now takes 3! I’ll probably still stick with cpu though, keep my gpu’s cool for bf3/skyrim :stuck_out_tongue:

I like the image in the first post, it has a nice feel to it. I guess texture-wise it would make more sense to make the rough spots a bit rust-colored, but other than that it’s pretty cool

I love your model!

But also I think it just makes me love Cycles more too!

Revamped every shader, the metal is alot more metallic now.

Fixed the terrain and lighting as well. Alot more details comin out, what does everyone think?

I think this should have been in WIP. :slight_smile: (couldn’t resist)

Nice truck. Keep up the good work QS. Nice to see blenderer’s from nearby. Greetings from Louisville.

That’s pretty cool! I have one question though, are those scratch marks a texture or are they made into the model?

Awesome, really nice job here!