Orthographic view in cycles is badly pixelated

I think I messed up some settings because ever since i was trying to learn how to make a camera rig I’ve had this issue. I was trying to follow along with a tutorial on the blender cloud site and it was an older(2.7) version and I couldnt get the same results in 2.8 so I was messing with a lot of different camera settings. Everything I search for on google is usually people having the opposite problem as me- perspective view distorted.

So this is my issue:
when i’m in perspective view everything is fine:

but when I go into Orthographic view in any position i get this:

Thank you for taking the time to help me with this… the time i’ve already killed trying to fix this is discouraging.

Your Clip End value (View Tab, Properties Menu [N]) is abnormally high for a simple character model.


Turn it down to a modest 1000 to 10000 and you should be fine.

For comparison:

Ooooooooh. Yes sir, I was following a tutorial for importing google maps… and liked how I didnt have my scenes cut off any more so i made it permanent. Well NOW i know why its set so low (in the opinion of someone that mostly does huge scenes).

Thank you so much for probably saying “sigh this newbie” and helping me anyway lol. Well, I knew it was going to be my fault so I suppose its not TOO embarrassing. :slight_smile: