OSC for Blender 2.5 - Python 3!!!

It works for me, but i am not programer… it is probably very messy… feel free to make it better an more effective! I want to know especialy how to convert ocs input message in to the OBJ variable…

Run blend with console and then run OSC_basic_receive.py and OSC_basic_send.py

[http://www.jonasstrouhal.com/Blender OSC - Python 3.1.rar](http://www.jonasstrouhal.com/Blender OSC - Python 3.1.rar)

For information, this OSC implementation worked fine for me with Blender 2.66 : http://wiki.labomedia.org/index.php/Communication_entre_Pure-data_et_Blender_en_OSC


i’ve noticed that the python 3 branch of pyosc is only working partly. OSCBundles and the OSCMessage.append method produce a 2 delay on sending local. The OSCStreaming classes are not working, which is a pitty, because they are the real cool stuff inside pyosc. I wrote to Artem Baguinski the former maintainer of pyosc, he told, that pyosc is currently unmaintainted and he is looking for a new maintainer.

this works:
client.send(OSCMessage("/message", [“test”]))

this is only received with a big delay:
msg = OSCMessage("/message")

bundle = OSCBundle()
msg = OSCMessage("/message")

OSCStreamingServer and OSCStreamingClient throw errors on running “testbench.py -c”

SERVER: Entered server loop testStreamingServerAndClient(listen_address)
File “testbench.py”, line 108, in testStreamingServerAndClient
File “/home/tha/development/pyosc/pyosc-devel/python3/pyosc-devel/OSC.py”, line 2850, in sendOSC
txOk = self._transmitMsgWithTimeout(msg)
File “/home/tha/development/pyosc/pyosc-devel/python3/pyosc-devel/OSC.py”, line 2838, in _transmitMsgWithTimeout
len_big_endian = array.array(‘c’, ‘\0’ * 4)
ValueError: bad typecode (must be b, B, u, h, H, i, I, l, L, q, Q, f or d)

If anybody know another python OSC implementation, please let me know. I personally will switch back to pyliblo first for my addon, which is a lot more stable and robust but it produces extra depencies (liblo).


If anybody knows a howto or tutorial how to build pyliblo under windows, please let me know.
