Hey guys I’m making an Oshkosh FMTV to try on my new 3d printer. I plan on updating all the way through to the final fully printed project so stay tuned.

Did some work on the suspension and tires. I’m going to call it quits for tonight.

Waiting to see the end results, looks promising until now.

This looks cool :3 reminds me of apple seed exmachinima.

Small update for today. I finished the treads on the tires as well as the rear suspension. I started working on the cargo deck and I hope to get it done tomorrow.

Looks like all I have left is some small details and to finish the cargo bed and I can start printing.

I made some small improvements and I decided to add some shots of the other parts that you couldn’t see from the main view.


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Up next is the Drive Train and finishing up some of the smaller details, and finishing the rear.

Nice job so far
Keep it up

Started Printing the Cab. Below is a screenshot in the print software. I’ll post some pics of the finished print in the morning.

Sorry for the delay in updating. the first print had an extremely large error so I had to print it again. I’ve included pictures of the raw model with the supports removed and one with the first coat of paint.

Wow! This looks really cool!
Thinking about 3D-printing lately. I guess I’ll watch some tutorials about it and give it a go.

Looks like a fun project! I hope to post some 3d printing projects soon.

Chassis is printed and painted. The cargo bed is printing right now!! Cant wait to see the final result.

All done guys. I’m thinking of doing the M1148 next. I’ll keep updating as I make the m1148

omg! omg! it is so cool! And not only shape, but the painting too! Great job!

That’s come out brilliantly, great work.

Really cool project. Do the wheels roll on the printed model?