Out of GPU memory error

Even the same scene was rendered just before and now it is showing memory error, is there anyway to delete the cache and free up memory so when we hit render all memory can be used for rendering.
Also when we restart blender, it render succesfully so i think there maybe some way to clear the memory for rendering.

Turn off persistent data. What it does is keeping data from previous renders so it won’t have to calculate it again and make renders start faster, but it does consume quite a bit of memory especially with heavy scenes.

You can find the checkbox under performance in the render settings tab.

Actually it is already turned off in my scene by default,


Memory seems to be being used to the maximum.
You can check it by monitoring the memory usage.

As a simple solution, try using Simplify to reduce memory usage.


I’m having the same issue with heavy scenes.

After the render is completed, the memory will not clear.

What I do is make sure the scene is saved, and go to File-Revert in between renders, it will basically close and open the scene again.

Would be happy to hear if there is any better solution.