Outdoor chair Weaving

Hi Guys,

Need some help on modeling a simalar chair weaving as added below. any suggestions? is there maybe a way I can make this with the array & curve modifier?

Welcome :tada:…

hmm…:thinking: there are different tutorials about wrapping something around something else… but here the wrapping switches between an actual part and another…

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Maybe start with an archimedic spiral (extar curve addon) extruding some areas… copy, move and rotate something…


Yes, but it will still be labour-intensive and fiddly.

Here’s a speed modeling example that shows the sorts of things you can do, even if it’s not exactly the same:

And now I’ll sit back while somebody who knows geometry nodes intimately shows us a very elegant way to do it instead. :wink:

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Nice finding… to have “only” some knodes thsi will work pretty good… but in the original chair this seems to be one (or maybe two) ropes… looking close which also hides the spacer between the outermost, the middle and the lower whatever you call it…


Maybe @BlenderBob’s Bamboo Table from the Tiki project gives some ideas about GN…

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