Outliner collections from older projects in 3.4

I started a project in an older version of blender, probably 2.8, that I am just now getting back to with 3.4.

All the objects I created in the older version plus any new objects I add end up in an “Objects” collection in the outliner. I can’t drag objects to the other collections I created in the ouliner, those remain empty. This problem is only in the outliner. I can click an object in the 3D view and see it is listed in the sidebar as being associated with the proper collection. I can use M to move objects between collections in the sidebar. But the outliner window won’t reflect those changes. See the attached screen grab to see the problem.

SOLVED: Once I deleted the View Layer and that World thingy all the objects snapped into their proper collections.

Score 1 for me. You can’t beat me, Blender!

Hey, welcome to the Blender Artists Community

Try to do the same thing, but in Blender 3.3.1. Maybe it would work from out there.

P.S. You could try Blender 2.93, I think it could be a solution of this.

Change from scenes to view layer in the outliner…
Look for a wee < shape (pointing down) and click it if you are wondering how to get the outliner header back - which is where you change the outliners display.

You are looking at the list of everything - no surprise no changes happen.


I had to learn the hard way to just go read the manual and deeply investigate every area of the outliner for myself. Nobody makes tutorials about these essential things for some reason.