A little work to practice dealing with the environment. Reference inspired is attached.
Used BMS tower.
This approach can be a valuable learning example for many users, who are trying to achieve photorealism. Using a photograph as a reference to recreate a scene with photorealistic detail can be an excellent way to showcase the level of skill and dedication required to achieve lifelike results. Great job!
Thank you for your review! That’s nice to hear.
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!
Congrats on recreating reference rocks character. It came out very well.
You could try to work on the water to get more transparency on shollow water.
It looks perfect! Congratulations
Look really nice. Two critiques: too much chromatic aberration makes it look like a game. It’s a bit blown out, lower exposure or sun strength might do it good.
All original work or assets? If the latter, where from?
Thank you for your review!
Bms - tower and scaffolding, megascans stones.
Great job