Overgrown football field

This is my latest environment render. Hope you like it :slight_smile:


This scene is based of an old fotball field from near where I live. I created a lot of new plants such as the small trees on the field, the grass, and some weeds.

This is a test render with those plants


very nice work !

Only thing missing is the cause of this… cell phones :slight_smile:
Looks great, like a photo.

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

Thank you so much :grin:

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Great work. :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
I’m just getting into creating foliage in Blender myself. I have lots of questions if you dont mind?
Could I ask if you had any slowdowns in your blender viewport when building this great image?
Any tips you can share regarding scattering and using high geo models?
I would love to know your techniques when building the foliage and texturing?
Did you say you created the foliage yourself? Great job.

omg, i’m a beginner and i’m in love with it

I sadly don’t have any pictures of the viewport but I still have the base blockout, and I can render that out if you want me to. I used a simple particle system on the ground for the grass and straws with a cloud texture to influence the hair lenth. For the small trees on the field I wanted more spesific control over the placement so I used a progress shown here

The trees in the foreground all have particle systems so the branches are not that taxing on the system. (I have 16gb of ram and 8gb of vram). Just remember to either have them turned off or decreased with viewport display. The tress in the background is spruce trees(they are the least dense) on a plane with a particle system, to stop some of the light and not needing that large of a scene.

When creating foliage you first need to find textures, I either use https://www.textures.com/ or https://www.3dassets.one/. I don’t have a premium account on textures.com so the textures from that site is quite low res but if the foliage is not going to be in your face it works perfectly and saves memory. The spruce tree and one other type of tree uses a 512x512 texture. You also have to choose wether or not to use transparency. On some complex plants, such as ferns, it is easier to just use transparancy, but with grass on a field transparancy will just increase render time, if you use cycles, and you will not see any difference from a distance. You also need to decide how dense the mesh should be, based on how much of it you will see in the render. If you go with using transparancy you should try to decrease the amount with as little geomentry as possible. It is also really important to have good reference for how the plant looks like and grow.

This is just decisions you need to make when creating foliage. The main techniques I use is importing the texture into the viewport and creating a plane that follow it based on the things I said earlier, then using a project from view to align the texture and then deforming the mesh.

When I write it down now it seems like a lot to think about, but you get quite fast at making the decisions and if you have good music the modeling goes quite fast. The thing that takes the longest time is finishing the foliage, but that is just small tweaking in the material and changing the mesh bades of reference.

Good luck :grin: