Overlapping flat meshes (SVG to Mesh)


I have this SVG import, that i have converted to mesh and i have this overlapping issue, it does the same thing even without materials and the boolean modifier does not work…

What should i do to have a clean full red, black and white?

Thank you in advance for the help

Welcome :tada:

this is the usual problem with SVG. In vector formats there are some “tricks” used… but blender withs its mostly polygonal modelleing feature can not do everthing as well…

So you might play with the settings ( for example 2D curve; then some overlapping works better) or separate the curves and may add soem value to the Y (properly) axis…or try to convert to mesh.

(Properly identify the white plate and move it a little… )

I normally just run a small script to move each element to a different Z coordinate.
It usually works good, if the SVG is well structured.

import bpy
collection = bpy.data.collections['YourSVG']
delta = 0.0
for obj in collection:
    obj.location.z = delta
    delta += 0.0001 # depends on the size of the SVG

Thank you for your quick answer!

Ive tried few tricks you recommended and its still the same issue (it works in perspective few but when i press 1 for front orthographic view i get the same problem)

I have move the white plate back and extruded the red

Orthigraphic view:

Do not bother about front view; also this may disapear if you change the N-Panel → clip start/end…
…what counts is the camera view… (also camera clip area)… This is because of the Z-fighting…

( Or you may fill the inbetweens of the 80 and the circle by yourself… )

Okay i see !

I wish there was a better way to fix svg in Blender…

Thank you so much for the help

Also would you know why the Boolean modifier does not work? even tho it is converted into mesh?

You should do the booleans in a SVG program, like Inkscape.
It’s better suited for that kind of calculations.

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