P99 - Game Model

I’ve stopped working on my previous project and have begun a new one in Unity, however i am still creating my game objects with Blender. Here is a P99 i’ve been working on, the screenshot is straight from the BGE. Hope you like it and any feedback or advice would be much appreciated!

Looks nice! Maybe a little specular? Does it have wood grip inserts or black composites. What’s the poly count?

looks good, but why unity?:slight_smile:

It has 501 vertices but i’m no expert so i’m not sure if this is good or not!, When you say it needs specular I would love to add it i just don’t know how so maybe you can help me out here. The reason why i chose unity is because after using Blenders game engine for nearly two years I’ve realized that it has some major limitations and I much prefer Java to Python, anyway thanks for the feedback! :smiley: