Hey guys, I started modelling a dinosaur, for an animation i have in mind. Please share your critiques. Thank you!
Hey guys, I started modelling a dinosaur, for an animation i have in mind. Please share your critiques. Thank you!
I think it looks great! The only thing I would change is the size of the cranium in relation to the rest of the body - the skeletons of Pachy. look like they might have a larger head, but it could just be the angle of the camera or the skeletons I was looking at!
Here is a render of Multires at 5 subdivisions.
My model goes black. With same material i rendered the above 2 images.
When i go back to 4 Sub Divisions, it goes fine.
Can i get any help with this?
Thanks alot
this was my reference, but i never noticed i should also look up to skeletons as well! thanks so much for the tip Harreh!
Rendered a bit large to let you see whats sculpted.
Do u think this details would be enough for a short movie around maybe 30 seconds?
Have a look at PLOS ONE, all of the papers are open access, and there is some great figures showing cranial morphology. This paper has some good figures:
Depending on the level of detail you are going for, you could model the cranium to show a pachy. of a certain age, and showing particular signs of cranial damage from the head-butting behaviour:
My story behind this project is adding this character into a night scene. Where i’m planning to do tracking in a video i’m going to shoot very soon.
Ill keep you posted
I think im almost done with texturing. Please share your critics and comments on this please? Thank you!
Very good work on sculpting and texturing! My only complaint would be the pose, but if you plan on rigging this beast it should be fine.
Wow! this is impressive! Great work!
Yeesh, that is awesome.
Yes I’m hoping to use this dude in an animation Thanks for the Feedback
Thank you! hopefully ill finish it soon
Nice texture work, especially around the eye. Looks like you have a little texture stretching on the forearms and ifngers though. Otherwise, nice detail, look forward to seeing it done!
It became a huge file. I have added Many details that I could.
yeah, it’s ok, but there are plenty of problems i noticed. firstly, blender render, why? is this a cartoon project?
-the 2 dinosaur are exactly the same. which is such a hige throw away for the realism factor. add some, if not many, differences to the texture, and color as well.
-material, they don’t look like they are wet. need more glossyness. use a specualr map.
-lighting, although it’s night time, everything is very brght, too bright to the point that it doesn’t match with the background. there’s lights shining from straight in front of the camera, behind the 2 animals, but there is nothing in the background that could have possibly emit that light.
-the rain drop splashes are too big, and too few
-the texture itself, although most of it is great, almost zero details on the arms and feet.
-could use some motion blur maybe, for more dynamic feeling
nice work on the modeling and the terrain.
Hey Bill, Thanks a lot on your detailed critiques.
First off I’m using a far low end laptop, so using BI is much better than using any other renders out there. Besides, BI cant be that bad.
Im slowly building it up I hope. But please. I’d like more of you guys opinions if possible. Thanks.
The light that emits was the first idea of a car flashing down on these animals.
And to explain the scene I’d say that the view is from inside of the car… while goin on the road… hope that explains lol
So here it is. a bit updated…
I named it, Encounters!
The resolution had to be reduced when uploading since blender artists had limitations.
Thanks for your time
Wow, looks really nice! Great atmosphere to it. Perhaps increase the specular on the dinosaurs and tone down the splashes a little? I feel like the rain wouldn’t really bounce up as much on skin like that.
Has the vibe of the T rex breakout in Jurassic Park.
That’s some nice thinking! Yeah true! it’ll go down for sure!
Wow thanks yeah I was actually going to animate this. But oh lord the scene is so heavy so i’m kind of worried about my system