Paint Brush Stroke Effect

How to create brush stroke effects like this? Thanks.


Something like this?

Hope that helps.


Thanks. I tried using 3.3.1 but failed to replicate the exact look. But I guess I am closer


The " Mix node " looks like this to me. Are you using 3.4 or higher?

Yeah, 3.5 generally as Im into the geonodes.

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Ok, thanks :slight_smile:

My take (also using 3.5, but should work in 3.3):

Good luck.


Thanks. I almost got a perfect one. :slight_smile:

But not sure why the tapered area at the top has too much distortion. Also, there is no cut out areas as in your model.

I will soon the spiral you suggested. Wanted to learn a bit as well, so applied on a different shape in 3.4.1. Attaching the .blend file.

brush stroke 6.blend (919.5 KB)

I got a perfect match when I tried spiral

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What was missing previously was a consistent UV map… do some UV mapping tutorials to ensure you understand them properly.

Looks like you’re missing the following settings (Cycles only):
… and giving it enough geometry to work with :
…then render in Cycles to see the displacement.

Good luck.


Not sure if you’re still active, this has been super helpful! wondering on how I could make this a procedural texture. I have an alembic file of strips wrapping around a bottle and I would love for the strips to have this same texture. any idea on how to apply this to a flat plane?

I want to apply it on those flat strips

It is procedural.

You just need UVs.

Please start a new topic if you would like more visibility and help.

Good luck.

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Thank you Will start a new topic

sadly I cant start a new topic as im a new member but i’ll mess around with the uv’s until I can start a topic