Paper folding animation armature problem


I’m doing an paper fold animation where the left side folds in. That is working.

However, the texture from the inside is clipping through while folding and I noticed that the mesh isn’t folding properly but being slightly distorted by the armature, I guess. It gets thinner at the end and eventuelly goes inside out as you may see:


Can someone help me with this problem?

Here is the blender file if someone is willing to take a look:
folding_poster_v18.blend (1.1 MB)

Any help is appreciated :slight_smile:

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I slightly adjusted the central bone positions and weights which helps a bit -

folding_poster_v18tweak.blend (1.2 MB)
I’d probably add 2 more loops at the folding edge to have more weight control, and an extra bone to keep the 2 verts in place at the bottom center of the middle loop.

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Hey, thanks for your help :slight_smile:
It works better but stills glitches through when the upper third and lower third folds in unfortunately.
It makes sense adding more loop cuts, however I’m not sure if I’ve done the weight painting right because it doesn’t look right atm. I tried a lot and am a bit frustrated tbh.

folding_poster_v19.blend (1.2 MB)

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You need the extra loop cuts AND a tiny bone to go with each new face.
Then the bone you are moving now and the small bone each move 90 degrees.

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Could do a bit of touchup with weight painting like so -
folding_poster_v19tweak.blend (1.2 MB)

When adding extra topology you’d probably want to do something like this -

And scrubbing further along, you have some triple folding going on there, so the joint positions which worked for the first rotation will have the pivot in the wrong spot for the second rotation cause they don’t accommodate for double or triple thickness, if that makes sense.


I’d personally add additional joints for those extra rotations placed higher up to have the pivot in the right spot, while also making sure the extra loops are in the right place at the point of that rotation.
There are some folks here who have a much better skillset when it comes to rigging these types of things though, I’m sure there are multiple solutions here.
Actually, thinking about it, if you just need a simple animation of these 3 sides folding I’d be tempted to use corrective shapekeys.


Hey, I tried a bit around and your solution + corrective shapekeys work really well in my case! Thanks again for all your effort and help :slight_smile:

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Hey there,

sorry to bump this but as rigging n00b I’ll have to do something similar, but without texture, so I think it’s more sensible to post right in here.

I’d just like the paper to appear “thick” and as far as I’ve gathered and figured, like in a real print product, where a folding line is pressed into the material, I’d pretty much do the same in Blender with tiny bones as @Matakani said - so I’d bend around the middle line, slightly rotate the tiny bones and rotate the big ones by 90 degrees minus tiny bone rotation.

I’m guessing that should also work in combination with a solidify modifier?

instead of

Correct? Or am I stepping into any pitfalls here?

i would recommend - just try it out and ask if you got problems…i am pretty sure that works - if you are doing it right :wink:

I’m on it, but I’m old and frequently step into huge piles of - you know what, I’m just trying to make sure I’m not wasting time, since I usually need someone to hold my cane through every step :sweat_smile: