Papilionidae caterpillar

Hi all, I tried to make a macro of this insect.
Hope you like it
See you soon



Love, love love the caterpillar and his humble plight, which you have sublimely conveyed. The micro hairs and the posing on the branch: brilliant. Materials on the little creature are also quite lovely, though are a bit washed out and also blown out in the highlights, perhaps?

I also greatly admire the orange lichen (?) you’ve added on the branches, though I’d make them smaller and more tightly adherent to the branch. In nature I don’t see them extend far from their platform.

What I really don’t like is the background with that mass of indescript moths (or whatever they are). While I understand the desire to connect caterpillar to moth…maybe a bit too strong a hit on the nose? Leave that out, IMO. The background colors also seems unnatural.

Thanks for letting me peek into your artistry! Seeing this made me a bit happier.


Hi, thanks for the reply :+1:
I have changed the background :+1:

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So very much more inviting now. I’m jealous.

You have some native skills I simply don’t!

Thank you so much for adding rather than replacing your previous versions of the work in your posts. It helps all of us see an artist climb that mountain.

I’m near bedtime and honestly wonder if I’m going to dream of caterpillars and their metamorphis.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you :+1: :+1: :+1:

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You’re on the featured row! :+1: