Parent with automatic weights error

I select object and metarig after select the CTRL+P> parent with automatic weights. But I see this error. How can I fix that problem?

Can I ask how well (if at all) the model attatched to the rig irrelivent ofthe error message?

How well dows it bend when you pose the mesh?

I change the pose but does not affect to mesh.

It won’t affect the mesh because the mesh has not parented to the armature. Most of the time these errors are caused by topological errors in the mesh, manifold faces, duplicate vertices, overlaps, splits, etc. etc. Or errors in the armature can cause issues, investigation is needed. You can either search the mesh for errors yourself, or post the model here for us to look at.

Cheers, Clock. :beers:

Yeah, model have a lot of ngons and I added triangulate modifier and applied so I clear the all ngons and fix the problem :slight_smile: Thanks.