Parenting breaks and causes offset on meshes

I’m not sure why this happens. I decided to take a break from animation, after coming back and getting Blender 3.0 the bones and meshes have this weird offset. (Happens mostly when multiple meshes/bones are parented to one object. ex. the left arm and the bullets in the magazine are parented to the magazine.)

Since I’m not able to send the .blend file (Because my account is new), I’ll just send a screenshot.

Please upload the file on

Here you go. I think I did this right?

Please describe what seems out of place ? I see the rifle handle is not attached to the rest of the rifle, is that what it is ?

Well, the problem is, after parenting the handle to the rifle. All the meshes with multiple parents seem to have this weird offset.

Ok I see. I was looking at your file and not getting what you meant, because : they are not parented, they are constrained. The childof constraint must not exist alongside another childof constraint at any given time (others must be turned off), otherwise it’ll cause double transformations. See, the object will inherit transforms from some target object and then again from some other target object. So if you want dynamic parenting (eg for the bullets to go from the hand to the magazine I assume) you’ll have to keyframe the constraints’ influences : turn one off as you turn the next one on.

Also, generally for objects that aren’t meant to change ownership I would use regular parenting. Just parent the objects to the corresponding bones. Constraints are really meant to be used between bones in the same armature, and generally the bone will be the one getting the childof constraints.



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Ah I see, I really appreciate the help. Thanks!

Welp, turns out that didn’t change anything, I’m not sure if I should just restart or what, I removed all of the child-of constraints, but that still doesn’t seem to be fixing the issue. The arms, bolt, bullets, stock, and magazine break as soon as I parent the handle to it’s bone.

I’m not sure what “break” means, but I think you should start by a little cleanup so that we can investigate better and we know we are building on a good foundation. My recommendation is to first parent mesh objects to bones and get rid of the childof constraints. The childof constraints will go on the parent bones of any object that’s supposed to change ownership at some point during the animation (magazine, possibly the rifle itself, etc).

Heya, my bad for earlier, I managed to fix it by removing some obscure child-of constraints I forgot I even added. Sorry for the time waste. But regardless I’m thankful for the help!