It’s been a very long time since I’ve posted anything.
Anyways, just finished this one yesterday, wanted to know what y’all thought.
Please, any feedback is appreciated.
I can see potential, but it’s not finished. The grass is way too bright, it looks radioactive. The texture on the pavement is a bit too prominent, you might want to make it smaller so that you can’t see big bumps (but if you want it bumpy you should add little pebbles in the diffuse or something that validates the bumpiness)
You’ve got the idea of different colours in the grass, which shows you’ve taken a step towards thinking further than the basics, but grass doesn’t really have such diverse colours all intermingled, it has different shades of the same colour, and the overall colour changes from spot to spot, ie: in patches where the soil is less fertile there will be browner grass. Also look at different lengths.
The marble texture looks like marble, but it repeats quite a bit on the stools. Unless this is the effect you’re going for, I’d make the noise smaller and the texture bigger, that way you can maintain the size of the grains, but have less repeats. If you are using the internal blender texture maker then you might have some fiddling ahead of you. I could never figure it out properly…
The deopth of field is a good idea, but don’t lather it on too thick or too soon. This image kind of makes me dizzy with all the blur.
I think that you should also set the top face of the pavers to solid, instead of smooth. You are getting some wierd lighting effects there.
I like the chess set, though, there is alot of detail there, and perhaps you should focus on that in your image more. You could still show the rest of the chess tables in the background if you lowered the camera and rotated it a bit closer to level. Then that gives you the opportunity to create a backdrop, and you could put in a twist here. It could be in the middle of a city, or it could be on the edge of a cliff. It could even be in heaven (for added impacts, since alot of old people go to these tables in the parks, there must be some in heaven)
Anyway, don’t take any of this advice as an insult, I like the image so far, but it’s not finished.
Keep blending!