Particle bubbles in fluid simulation

I took the blend file form ~J~ , I used the the water material indicated by dodgydavec , the only diferences were alpha 0.2 and I turned off ray mirror , I changed the lamp position (I put it more on top of the fluid cub) ,and i added a big plane under the fluid cube :slight_smile:

I will try to post an identical blendfile (in the original i forgot to save the setting :frowning: )

with blender internal the render was not so spectacular I didn’t render an animation

i didn’t tried yafray , but I’m certain it will render longer ( tried once ) , i will render some test to be sure though

You used my water? I’m so proud :smiley: :cool:

LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

here is the blend file

here is a test render with povray , it took 3:25

here is a test render with blender internal (the only difference is the lamp power , it is 1) , it took 8:31

here is a test render with yafray, i used a photon lamp with 300,000 photons , and the initial lamp had energy 2 , it took 3:49 (very ugly render)

Me too, he used my .blend file!! :stuck_out_tongue:

So, I’m still intrigued after a little exploring. I think a lot of the POV renders I’ve seen are amazing but I’m still curious. OK so you say it’s faster. Why else is it better? are there any features yafray doesn’t support that povray does? does it do image-based lighting with HDR? How is its GI?

So did I (changed for 5 bubbles :wink: )

Yes, I’ve been nosey :wink:

The POV-Ray render looks really jagged - does it not do antialiasing?

i used auto AA but I forgot to enable OSA :rolleyes:

ugh, photons for caustics… I like to use pure GI for caustics, without photons. With Yafray, it makes it look MUCH better.

The POVray render looks nice, just needs OSA. Did you use the Blend2Pov testbuild?

i used the blend2pov testbuild , i used auto aa (instead of using AA samples and AA passes) because my computer is quite slow , and for the same reason i didn’t used GI, Yafray may output better results but the number of photons you need to emit to go there is very very high , and for example my computer crashes if i emit more than 1.5 milion photons,
also for the use of photons with yafray you need to make a new setup for the lights , where as for povray you only need to redus the power of the lights to half
here is a link to a site where several renderers are tested and compared

Has anyone tried this…,

Use an outflow to create the bubble, but place the outflow INSIDE a slightly larger inflow :eek: or an inflow INSIDE an outflow? I might try it soon, but right now the computer’s rendering a 500 frame animation based on one of f/stop digital’s anims :wink:

Just tried it now (what a crazy idea!! :D)

Hard to describe what it does, but does create an interesting effect, almost kinda imploded on itself.

Perhaps I had the inflow and outflow too big, or the space between them not the right size (had domain at 1 scale, inflow at .9 scale and outflow at .8 scale all inside each other).

Thank you so much for your sharing. That’s great!

[right]simulation rachat credit[/right]

Very nice posts. Thank u so much for sharing.:confused:

simulation rachat credit

[right]simulation rachat de credit[/right]
thanks interesting… i’ll check it out later :eyebrowlift: