I’m trying to create a particle simulation to show airflow. The particles need to go through a very confined space that is 0.5mm across.
I have a collision object set up but the thickness seems to be way too big.
I’ve tried a lot of variations with settings but nothing I’ve tried will allow the particles to pass through. Perhaps I am missing some control to adjust this for particle sim not rigid body/cloth sim.
Here are the physics settings and I’m using a curve with negative force to pull the particles through:
Hi and welcome to BA.
In cases like this sharing the file could be very helpful to whom want to help you.
In any case I would start by saying that when simulations have to deal with such small dimensions they can have problems.
Try to scale up the whole thing by 100 (or even 1000 in this case 0.5mm * 1000 = 500 mm) and see what happens.
As always perform the ‘default sanity check’ before launch simulation: apply scale, check normals.
I scaled up and everything started behaving much more naturally! I thought keeping real world dimensions would be better but oh well. Thanks for helping me out
Yes, this is THE way to go but there are exceptions as with everything (and some are also due to the hardware in use).
It is not the goal of 3D art software to handle simulations or scenes with extremely small dimensions (like half a mm) or extremely large (like planets).
Those who make science fiction planetary art certainly do not use scenes of thousands or millions of km.
In your case the important thing is: keep the right scale ratio between objects and particles, then increase/fix the whole scale to make the simulations and then, if you want, at the end you can always bake the simulation and scale everything back to the real dimensions.