Looking for a way to set the color of each particle to the exact color from where it was emitted.
The goal is to make a 2d image plane dissolve effect, but I am not able to change the particle color.
Here a screenshot from another soft of how it should behave:
I believe you can only do that with uvs at the moment. The texture coordinate node has a checkbox with “from instancer” which makes the particles use the emitters uvs.
edit: works with generated as well.
Thanks for the help, this looks exactly like the thing I am looking for.
I solved it with your help, realised that the texture preview is not correct, in render preview it looks like I want. Will create a video tutorial for this…
I am doing this exact thing, but getting problems I can’t figure out.
My particles look great in the preview window, but they’re gray in the render, and yes I’m using Cycles.
Can someone tell me what’s going on here? This has me stumped.